Feeding Your Cat a Species Appropriate Diet

Nov 24, 2020 BTTB Team



  1. Better Urinary Health The moisture content in a raw diet does wonders for urinary health. Highly processed, high carbohydrate, diets cause alkaline urine and chronic dehydration in cats, this leads to inflammation and numerous urinary tract problems. Eliminate the cause as opposed to treating symptoms.
  2. Less Shedding, Fewer Hairballs and a Healthy Coat Cats require unsaturated fatty acids and they must come from an animal source (meat), as cats have very limited ability to make these acids from plant based products. These essential fatty acids are what help create shiny coats and less shedding, in turn fewer hairballs, YAY!
  3. Reduced Stool Volume AND Odour (signs of better digestion) When fed a species appropriate diet they will utilize their food as opposed to so much of it being waste. Food is for fuel! When fed a large amount of carbohydrates they struggle to digest it, which leads to much larger, stinkier waste. Big, smelly, soft stools are not ‘normal’. On a raw diet you can expect your cats stool size to be about half that of a dry fed cats. Cleaning the litter box will have never been so easy, you’ll be wishing you did this from day one!
  4. Weight Control On a raw diet your cat will no longer free feed (which is a sign they are not that into their food), they will eat it right up and you will know exactly how much they consume. Often cats will overeat if fed an improper diet, as they are trying to make up for nutritional deficiencies. On raw your cat will be left feeling satisfied without the carb loaded, ‘bloated’ look, and the increased energy they feel will also help them to burn additional calories.
  5. Vitality It does not take long after the switch to a raw diet for people to notice their cats acting more lively. As an obligate carnivore they are metabolically designed to preferentially use protein as an energy source for maintenance of blood glucose concentrations. Meeting their need for quality meat based protein allows your cat to get more readily available energy from their food, in turn kitty feels less sluggish and more energized.
  6. Dental Health Dental health is so crucial to overall health! High carbohydrate diets start to create a starchy film on teeth that act as a feeding ground for plaque buildup, which can lead to gum disease. Of course, dental health is partially genetic… but wild cats are not known to experience gum disease or tooth loss due to periodontal disease, nor is their diet high in carbs! Reducing those carbs will help lower the risk of dental disease. BONUS, if you include raw meaty bones into your cats diet they act as nature’s toothbrush and keep those teeth pearly white!


Simply put, your cat needs a meat based diet to thrive! And they’ll love you for it.


Getting a Cat onto Raw

We have numerous cat formulated raw diets in store to choose from. There are a wide variety of protein choices and packaging sizes, our associates are here to help you decide which option will be most successful for your cat.

The typical adult domestic cat eats between 3 to 4oz per day. However, there is lots that goes into calculating feeding amounts. At Back To The Bone we take into account age, breed, weight condition, and activity level. Our staff will help you figure out the perfect amount for either that growing kitty, or hitting a perfect adult weight to maintain.

Tips and Tricks We always hope you’ll just put the food down and your cat will gobble it right up and you’ll both never look back! This CAN be the case, but is not always. Transitioning a cat to a raw diet can be a process, especially if they are used to eating dry. We will discuss your cats behaviour and previous diet with you, which helps us decide the best approach to start with for your cat. No one cat is like another, BUT they are ALL obligate carnivores, and we have numerous ‘tips and tricks’ to help with the end goal of a raw meat diet for your cat.